عربي / English
"المعرفة من المنطقة، للمنطقة"

Overview of the Challenges Facing the Realisation of Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities in Jordan

مجال تركيز
الأمن الإنساني
Enas Alkhatib
13 كانون الأول 2022

This policy paper offers a review of the existing policies on accessibility for persons with disabilities (PwD) in Jordan and sheds light on their experiences in order to identify gaps that hinder the adoption of these policies. This paper discusses how people with disabilities actually experience accessibility, in order to contribute to closing the gap between the policies and the lived realities of accessibility and inclusion of PwD in society. The paper focuses on the experiences of persons with mobility and visual disabilities and provides an overview of public policies relating to physical accessibility in Jordan. This policy paper is part of the project entitled «Public Policies for Innovation in Jordan: Realities and Ambitions» implemented jointly by the West Asia-North Africa Institute (WANA) and the Konrad-Adenauer- Stiftung (KAS) – Jordan Office.

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