عربي / English
"المعرفة من المنطقة، للمنطقة"

فصل الاحتياجات المائية الوطنية عن امدادات المياه الوطنية رؤى وإمكانيات الدول في حوض الأردن

مجال تركيز
التنمية المستدامة
02 آب 2017

Jordan and Palestine face extreme water scarcity and potential food insecurity. These conditions threaten human security and the natural environment. This report compares the water allocation and management experience of Jordan, Palestine and Israel using the lens of economic and resource decoupling to highlight trends and opportunities to circumvent limits on natural water resources.

The subject of this research is the extent to which good practices — effective allocation and management of water resources, water ecosystem stewardship, and economic, social and environmental decoupling — can be transferred between these countries, as well as to other economies that share similar environmental endowments.

The full version of the report can be found here in English.

This publication is generously supported with funds on behalf of the British Council.

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