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"Knowledge from the region, for the region"

The Correlates of Civil Conflict and Instability in the West Asia-North Africa Region - Conflict Resilience Model Background Paper

Focus Area
Human Security
Kim Wilkinson, Mays Abdel Aziz, Emily Hawley
20 Sep 2016

One  of  the  principal  findings  of  this  research is  that against  clear global  trends,  conflict in  the West  Asia  and  North  Africa  (WANA)  region  is  intensifying.  There  are  four  reasons  to  be concerned  about  this  situation  beyond  the  death  and  suffering  that  conflicts  cause.  Wars  are devastating  to national economies;  the costs of conflict — both economic and humanitarian — spillover  onto  neighbours;  conflicts  spread;  and  they  have  global  spillover  effects  including refugees, disease, international crime and extremism.

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