English / عربي
"Knowledge from the region, for the region"

Measuring the Impact of Refugee Labour Inclusion on the Host State Economy

Focus Area
Human Security
WANA Institute, Mercy Corps
18 Apr 2019

This infographic brief contains the key takeaways from our research on Syrian refugee labour inclusion in Jordan. The research measures and tracks economic and social cohesion outcomes using quantitative and qualitative data collected over a 3-year period. The findings provide an objective starting point for a transition in thinking about refugee contributions to host state economies, the most efficient uses of donor aid and improved structuring of worker rights policies in Jordan and on a global scale. Further, the research provides the reader with an increased understanding of the status of Syrian labour, its effects on the opportunities of other foreign labour, and the government’s efforts toward providing Syrian refugees with access to work permits, as well as the effect on national investments and economic activities.

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