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"Knowledge from the region, for the region"

Sustainable Development Projects

29 Jul 2024

Climate Change and Gender Strategy 2030 – Inclusive, Transparent and Climate Responsive Investments

The WANA Institute, in collaboration with adelphi, will conduct analytical work to develop a recommendations report that supports the development of a 'Gender and Climate Change Strategy 2030' for Jordan. The main objectives of this assignment are to: • Provide an overview of the policy and institut...
14 Mar 2024

Navigating Conflict: A Comprehensive Analysis of Water Security and Food Security in Yemen

The ongoing conflict in Yemen has caused an unprecedented humanitarian crisis that has become the primary driver of water and food insecurity. Yemen has long struggled to meet its food needs, producing only ten percent of its requirements while facing an acute water scarcity, resulting in the spread...
01 Sep 2021

Understanding the Linkages between Climate, Human Security, and Gender in Lebanon and Jordan

Increase and consolidate evidence on peacebuilding approaches to local development challenges including but not limited to natural resource management and their gender-disproportionate impacts on human security and social stability in Lebanon and Jordan. The projects aims to a) understand and highli...
01 Apr 2021

Rethinking Humanitarian Aid for Refugees as Investment in Urban Water and Sanitation

This project is an international interdisciplinary initiative between engineers and social scientists in Jordan and the UK, designed to bring new knowledge and direction to global policy and practice on the settlement of and assistance to refugees. It addresses the critical issue of forced migration...
01 May 2020

CASCADES: Cascading Climate Risks Towards Adaptive and Resilient European Societies

CASCASDES is a project that builds on the system of exploring climate risks with cross-sectoral impact characteristics without consideration to geographical or political boundaries. Through understanding the impacts of climate change on different social and economic sectors, trade, investment, susta...
20 Apr 2020

Policy Analysis: Water, Migration and Conflict in the Middle East and North Africa

The aim of this undertaking is to develop a paper on water, migration and conflict in the MENA region.  The MENA is a hotspot of intraregional and international migration historically and, more recently, unprecedented levels of conflict-induced displacement. The paper aims to build an evidence-base ...
01 Feb 2020

Training for Change: Empowering Civil Society to Advocate Policies

In order for civil society organisations to use their platform to help solve environmental issues, it requires greater efforts in capacitating them with relevant technical and social tools, knowledge, and skills. This two-year, EU funded project aims to build the capacity of 7 chosen Community Based...
01 Nov 2019

Natural Resource Governance in Light of the 2030 Agenda: The case of competition over groundwater in Azraq, Jordan

This project explores the competition over the groundwater available in the region of Azraq, in Eastern Jordan; this is a starting point to assess natural resource governance in light of the 2030 Agenda. The 2030 Agenda with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is built on five core principle...
01 Oct 2019

Contribute to Encouraging Knowledge and Technology Transfer and Adoption between Jordan and Taiwan

Taiwan is one of the leading countries when it comes to environmental protection and sustainability.* Taiwan’s dedication to environmental protection is a result of their commitment to maintain a healthy and sustainable environment while becoming one of Asia’s richest economies. The objective of th...
01 Aug 2019

How to transform an idea within the context of climate change into a full-fledged grant proposal?

This project seeks to build on a project implemented by the WANA Institute “Enabling Communities for Climate Change Adaptation Planning: Understanding Gender Roles” with the purpose of continuing the process of mitigating climate change threats. Community-based organisations and youth ambassadors fr...
01 Mar 2019

Renewable Energy for Refugees (RE4R)

The project aims to answer questions for a baseline evaluation on the social acceptance of the idea of transformative solar projects for governmental hospitals, in light of what other priorities are set by the hospital. This is accomplished through measuring the impact of better and efficient energy...
01 Feb 2019

Water and Agriculture in Jordan

This project aims to facilitate a dialogue on sustainable water use between various water users and policy-makers. By understanding each other’s current and future water and agricultural priorities, they will reach a shared list of ideal and pragmatic priorities for the future of water and agricultu...
15 Aug 2018

Transition towards Renewable Energy

The WANA Institute will analyse the energy transition in the WANA region, focusing on Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. The ensuing baseline report on the region’s energy transition will be based on a comprehensive literature review and primary source data collected t...
01 Sep 2017

Enabling Communities for Climate Change Adaptation Planning: Understanding Gender Roles

This project aims to empower local communities in three governorates to design local climate change adaptation plans. It will also provide a platform for local communities to share these climate change adaptation plans with relevant ministries and municipal councils. The effects of climate change on...
01 Jan 2017

Sustainable Development Goals: Jordan and Beyond

The project will provide a framework within which key policy makers can better understand the process of reaching the SDGs, situate them within broader environmental projects already in place and develop roadmaps for conceptualising how they are to be achieved.
01 Jan 2016

Delivering Food and Water Security in a Middle East in Flux

New knowledge on how to achieve sustainable agricultural and water sectors balances food and water security and promotes regional development.
01 Jan 2016

Crafting Vulnerability Response Strategies for Climate Change in Jordan

Research results inform climate change adaptation strategies that are better targeted towards the most vulnerable groups, thereby focusing resources and efforts to help increase local community climate change resilience. 
01 Jan 2016

Greening WANA

This project aims to roll out community-based natural resource management techniques that promote conflict resilience, equitable resource sharing and environmental good governance. The expected results include the production of an objective evidence base that drives impactful programme strategy and ...
01 Jul 2015

Comparative Mapping of Traditional Rangeland Management Practices in the WANA Region

Mainstreaming policy and good practice measures contributes to the ecological sustainability of WANA rangelands.
01 Jan 2015

Islam and Natural Resources Management

An Islamic natural resource management framework empowers religious leaders and community change-makers to promote environmental resilience, equitable resource sharing and environmental good governance.
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