Terre des hommes Lausanne (Tdh), one of the leading agencies in Access 2 Justice programming in Iraq, commissioned West Asia-North Africa Institute (WANA) to conduct a capitalisation exercise with sector-based experts in juvenile justice. The exercise distilled the promising practices and lessons learned related to the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth in contact with the law, drawn from German Cooperation SILM funded projects implemented by Tdh during 2021-2022.
WANA conducted an in-depth desk review, interviews and focus group discussions with implementing partners, donors, and local and national government stakeholders. The purpose of the work was to understand the Iraqi legal system, challenges, lessons learnt, promising practices and recommendations related to the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth in contact with the law, with a focus on efforts to prevent violent extremism.
WANA then continued to conduct thematic analysis to synthesise the different resources and data collected. In July 2022, Tdh hosted a “Promising Practices and Lessons Learned” event in Baghdad, inviting the aforementioned stakeholders. During this event, WANA and Tdh shared its findings to discuss ways to move forward and set out policy recommendations for restorative justice.