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"Knowledge from the region, for the region"

Sustainable Development Projects

29 Jul 2024

Climate Change and Gender Strategy 2030 – Inclusive, Transparent and Climate Responsive Investments

The WANA Institute, in collaboration with adelphi, will conduct analytical work to develop a recommendations report that supports the development of a 'Gender and Climate Change Strategy 2030' for Jordan. The main objectives of this assignment are to: • Provide an overview of the policy and institut...
01 May 2024

Legitimacy and Civicness in the Arab World

The WANA Institute is conducting research titled “The Role of Humanitarian Funds Localisation for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management” under the “Legitimacy and Civicness in the Arab World” project hosted and managed by the Middle East Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Scienc...
01 Apr 2024

Building Resilience through Circularity: Green Innovations in Host Communities and Azraq Refugee Camp (BRCkA) project

Under the "Building Resilience through Circularity: Green Innovations in Host Communities and Azraq Refugee Camp (BRCkA) project funded by the European Union and implemented by the Royal Scientific Society. The WANA Institute is undertaking the activity of improving the local community’s access to f...
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